Clienting® – customer relationship as a success factor

Focus on the next Level Customer

With his clienting strategy, Edgar K. Geffroy has been focusing on the customer for years. In his lecture „The only thing that disturbs is the customer“, the demand for customer-oriented thinking in all areas of the company is at the forefront.

We are in the middle of a digital reality: The Internet fundamentally changes the way we buy, live and work. Old business models disappear and new ones emerge. Every day, customers themselves gain more power and influence over the economy. Purchasing decisions today are increasingly made digitally or are at least digitally prepared and/or post-processed.

For Edgar Geffroy, the relationship with the customer is a decisive factor in achieving business goals. It is crucial to change the basic rules if you want to be successful with your offer. This also means to ignore established boundaries for services and to individualize offers in a consequent way. Customers are to be regarded as partners of their own enterprise.

The central Clienting® thesis reads: Our business is to help so that our customers themselves live better. This lecture is crucial for the success of a company. All the more it is of high importance which crucial impulses this lecture has for you. Business models such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon & Co have shown that the Internet plays a central role in the competition for future customers.
„The only thing that disturbs is the customer“ sets new accents and projects the topic Clienting® as the doctrine of the customer back into the heads of the companies.

Core theses:

  • Ranking „first“ in the customer’s mind
  • The Clienting® Concept as a New Customer Way
  • Partnership instead of customer thinking
  • Helping instead of serving
  • Business ideas that 90 % of companies have not yet seen

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